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Found 202 search results for bioshock little sister harvest decision
  • 10 Predictions For BioShock 4
    It's been nearly a decade since the last "BioShock" game and we honestly can't for it to return for a fourth entry. For this list, we’re looking at our predictions and widespread rumors about the next game in the “BioShock” franchise.
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  • Top 10 Dumbest Moral Choices in Video Games
    We always thought the choice to harvest the little sisters in Bioshock was a little dumb.
    dumb moral decisions in video games, dumb player decisions in video games, dumb options in video games, bioshock little sister harvest decision, deathwish grand theft auto v, far cry 3 join citra decision, fallout 3 purifier decision, fallout 3 terrible ending, fallout 3 bad ending, moral decisions in video games that make no sense, player decisions that are brain dead, dumb moral decisions in games, moral decisions in games that sucked, Video Games, People, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list Caitlin Johnson
  • Why BioShock's Booker DeWitt Is the WORST DAD EVER
    Okay so "good" fathers are sort of hard to come by. I mean, Troy Baker has voiced enough crappy dads to fill the stands of at least 1 little league game which MY DAD NEVER EVEN CAME TO...wait what? Oh yeah, Welcome to MojoPlays and today we're exploring why we believe man who books (get it? Booker?) from Bioshock Infinite is the WORST DAD IN GAMING!
    bioshock infinite lore, booker dewitt, booker dewitt explained, bioshock infinite ending, ending explained, lore explained, worst video game dad, gaming dad, worst dad in gaming, worst father, worst father in gaming, worst video game father, worst gaming father, father figure, father in gaming, bshock, elizabeth, burial at sea, mojoplays, mojo play,
  • Top 10 Moments that put the Shock Back in Bioshock
    These are the most shocking twists, the craziest moments, the most epic parts of the the amazing Bioshock series. Whether it be in Rapture or Columbia, with Booker or Jack, these are the parts of the game that nobody saw coming, and that are still the most memorable years after the fact. WatchMojo's admiration for this franchise is…Infinite?
    Top 10, Top Ten, Top Five, Top 5, Countdown, Videogame, Videogames, Video Game, Video Games, VG, List, Article, Rundown, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock 2, Powers, Plasmids, Vigors, Andrew Ryan, Booker DeWitt, Comstock, Elizabeth, Big Daddy, Little
  • BioShock Infinite: Things You Should Know
    What goes up, must come down. Join as we explore everything you should know about BioShock Infinite.
    Bioshock, Infinite, Bioshock infinite, Sequel, 2K, Irrational Games, Booker Dewitt, Columbia, America, Heavy Hitters, Patriots, Gameplay, Plot, Preview, Review, System Shock, PS3, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Vigors, Vox Populi, Pinkerton, Info, Weapons
  • Top 10 Worst Escort Missions
    Escort Missions are the worst. Does Dead Rising have the worst Escort Missions? Or does that honour go to Emma from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty or Natalya from GoldenEye 007. Join us as we countdown this list of extremely frustrating missions to escort an NPC that will have you rage quitting in no time. On the way we'll see Ashley from Resident Evil 4, a Little Sister from BioShock, The Alchemist from Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage and the AT-PTs from Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Watch on our YouTube Channel:
    Top 10, Video Games, Watchmojo, Ashley, Resident Evil 4, Amy, Natalya, Goldeneye 007, Dead Rising, The Alchemist, Spyro Ripto's Rage, Star Fox Zero, Mechwarrior, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Bioshock, Little Sisters,
  • BioShock Retro Review
    With diverse mechanics, brilliant world-building through level design and AI behavior, and user-friendly UI, “BioShock” still manages to stand on its own legs all these years later and even outshines most modern AAA games.
    bioshock infinite, bioshock 4, bioshock infinite trailer, bioshock 2, bioshock ambience, bioshock switch, bioshock remastered, bioshock gameplay, rapture, big daddy, bioshock story, andrew ryan, bioshock explained, bioshock review, bioshock rapture, bioshock lore, bioshock gameplay, bioshock (video game), bioshock collection, Video Games, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, Single Player, Action, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Video Games You Didn't Know Were Being Made
    The Industry is filled with interesting secrets of unannounced projects. But some rumoured titles have more stronger evidence than others. From a new "Grand Theft Auto" a new "Horizon Zero Dawn" and a new "Bioshock" here's the games that haven't had official announcement, but we know are in development. Please be advised that because we can't fully confirm these claims, take all the information with a grain of salt.
    Video Game Leaks, Games Secretly In Development, Video Games You Didn't Know Were Being Made, Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Grand Theft Auto 6, GTAVI, VI, Guardians of the Galaxy, Bioshock 4, Cloud Chamber, Harry Potter, Batman; Arkham Legacy, Splinter Cell, Fable 4, Gruella Games, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X, Rumours, inside information, Eidos Montreal, Rockstar Games, Video Games, Business, Tech, Consoles, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 der BRUTALSTEN TODE in Games!!!
    Willkommen bei WatchMojo Deutschland und diesmal schauen wir uns die brutalsten Tode in Videospielen an! Von Call of Duty, BioShock oder GTA alles mit dabei!
    Watchmojo Deutschland, Fakten, top 10, top zehn, Videospiele, Gaming, Konsole, PC, XBox, Playstation, Lets Player, Modern Warfare, BioShock, Mortal Kombat, Dead Space, GTA V, God of War, Games, Zombie, Horror, Silent Hill, The Walking Dead, Call of Duty, CoD, Gears of War, Filmfabrik, Spiderman, Iron Man,
  • Top 10 Best Video Game Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns
    These companies went the absolute distance in marketing these games! Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top ten best video game guerrilla marketing campaigns. We'll be looking at games such as Resident Evil, Skyrim, Battlefield, Destiny, Bioshock and Mass Effect.
    video games, video game guerilla marketing campaigns, video game campaigns, video game marketing, video game commercials, video game adverts, resident evil, bioshock, mass effect, skyrim, destiny, battlefield, top 10, watchmojo, watch mojo, list,
  • Top 10 Bioshock Powers
    These powers and abilities put the shock back in Bioshock…at they also put the fire, bees, hornets, crows, mind control and telekinesis back in there too for good measure. Check out our picks for the very best of Rapture and Columbia, those biological wonders of science that allowed Jack, Subject Delta and Booker DeWitt get for enough to witness those shocking twists!
    Top 10, Top Ten, Top Five, Top 5, Countdown, List, Article, Rundown, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock 2, Powers, Plasmids, Vigors, Magic, Spells, Abilities, Rapture, Columbia, Under the sea, In the sky, Shock Jockey, Electro Bolt, Lightening, Fire, C
  • The 20 Greatest Video Game Cutscenes of All Time
    Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re counting down the cinematics across video games that stand out as phenomenal either due to their impact, their grand reveals, or how incredible the acting is.
    best cutscenes in games, best video game cinematics, opening cutscenes, The Last of Us, God of War Ragnarok, Mass Effect 3, Shadow of the Colossus, Red Dead Redemption 2, Bioshock, Alan Wake 2, Far Cry 3, Sekiro, Final Fantasy 16, Uncharted 4, Baldur's Gate 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Batman: Arkham City, Video Games, Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • 10 Games That DON'T NEED A Sequel
    Some video games manage to do everything they set out to do with only one or a few entries and in no way should be followed up on. For this list we’ll look at 10 video games we don’t ever want to see sequels to and why they’re better off for it.
    watchmojo, mojoplays, mojo, top 10, countdown, sequels, unnecessary, bloodborne, fromsoftware, portal, valve, shooter, RPG, insomniac, sunset overdrive, alien isolation, rogue galaxy, level 5, metal gear rising, revengeance, kojima, platinum games, mass effect, trilogy, bioware, bioshock infinite, ken levine, celeste, 2d, uncharted, a thief's end, naughty dog, chell, eldritch, hp lovecraft, video games
  • 10 Video Game Enemies HARDER Than Most Bosses
    You might want to think twice before engaging with any of these baddies! Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re venting our rage as we try to contend with the enemies in video games that are somehow way harder than your average boss!
    hardest enemies in video games, brutes dead space, revenants elden ring, Regeneradors, iron maidens re4, resident evil 4, malboro final fantasy, cazadores fallout new vegas, honey badgers far cry 4, Golden Lynels, breath of the wild, big daddies bioshock, big sisters bioshock 2, shark giants bloodborne, symbiotes spider-man 2, Video Games, Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • ¡Top 20 Videojuegos para VERDADEROS Fans del TERROR!
    Si te encanta ver películas espeluznantes, estos videojuegos son lo que necesitas.
    mejores juegos de terror, juegos más aterradores, videojuegos más aterradores, mejores videojuegos de terror, nintendo, playstation, xbox, pc, terroríficos, juegos de terror, videojuegos de terror, juegos de aventuras, juegos, disparos en primera persona, tirador en tercera persona, the last of us, silent hill, resident evil, outlast, bioshock, videojuegos, terror, un jugador, watchmojo español, watch mojo español, top 20, lista, mojo
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